home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "lutil.h"
- #include "ttyio.h"
- #include "session.h"
- #include "emsi.h"
- extern int made_request;
- static int sendfiles(file_list*);
- extern int xmsndfiles(file_list*);
- static int xmrcvfiles(void);
- extern int xmrecv(char*);
- extern file_list *respond_wazoo(char*);
- int rxdietifna(void);
- int rxdietifna(void)
- {
- int rc;
- file_list *tosend=NULL,**tmpfl;
- debug(10,"start rxDietIFNA");
- session_flags |= SESSION_IFNA;
- session_flags &= ~SESSION_BARK;
- tosend=create_filelist(remote,ALL_MAIL,0);
- if ((rc=xmrcvfiles()) == 0)
- {
- if ((emsi_local_opts & NRQ) == 0)
- {
- for (tmpfl=&tosend;*tmpfl;tmpfl=&((*tmpfl)->next));
- *tmpfl=respond_wazoo(NULL);
- }
- rc=sendfiles(tosend);
- /* we are not sending file requests in slave session */
- }
- tidy_filelist(tosend,(rc == 0));
- debug(10,"rxdietifna transfer rc=%d",rc);
- return rc;
- }
- int txdietifna(void);
- int txdietifna(void)
- {
- int rc;
- file_list *tosend=NULL,*respond=NULL;
- char *nonhold_mail;
- debug(10,"start txDietIFNA");
- session_flags |= SESSION_IFNA;
- session_flags &= ~SESSION_BARK;
- if (localoptions & NOHOLD) nonhold_mail=ALL_MAIL;
- else nonhold_mail=NONHOLD_MAIL;
- tosend=create_filelist(remote,nonhold_mail,2);
- if ((rc=sendfiles(tosend)) == 0)
- if ((rc=xmrcvfiles()) == 0)
- if ((emsi_local_opts & NRQ) == 0)
- if ((respond=respond_wazoo(NULL)))
- rc=sendfiles(respond);
- /* but we are trying to respond other's file requests in master */
- /* session, though they are not allowed by the DietIFNA protocol */
- tidy_filelist(tosend,(rc == 0));
- tidy_filelist(respond,0);
- debug(10,"rxdietifna transfer rc=%d",rc);
- return rc;
- }
- int xmrcvfiles(void)
- {
- int rc;
- while ((rc=xmrecv(NULL)) == 0);
- if (rc == 1) return 0;
- else return rc;
- }
- int sendfiles(tosend)
- file_list *tosend;
- {
- int c,count;
- count=0;
- while (((c=GETCHAR(15)) >= 0) && (c != NAK) && (c != 'C') &&
- (count++ < 9))
- debug(11,"got '%s' waiting for C/NAK",
- printablec(c));
- if (c == NAK)
- {
- session_flags &= ~FTSC_XMODEM_CRC;
- }
- else if (c == 'C')
- {
- session_flags |= FTSC_XMODEM_CRC;
- }
- else if (c < 0) return c;
- else return 1;
- return xmsndfiles(tosend);
- }